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Attention Deficit Disorder - Severe (With anger, fits, unsettled behaviors)


Adult Dose: 10 drops under the tongue; once or twice a day.  Normally only one bottle is needed if only detoxing.  Very safe with other supplements.  Professionally formulated. "Like Cures like."  Homeopathic remedies are diluted plants, minerals, animals, or the actual diseases themselves creating an ENERGETIC medicine.  Example:  6X potency means 1 part in 1,000,000 of the original substance.


There is less alcohol in these than what 2 slices of bread produce while being ingested.  But if you are concerned about alcohol consumption put the drops in a cup, add hot water, and stir.  Let sit until cool enough to do no harm and consume as directed on the bottle. 


Supports brain health and function.


When my son used this he become great in school and had fewer social problems.  His grades went from D, E, F, and Gs to A plus (100 plus bonus points ) with these drops and sitting at the kitchen table and reading his homework out loud.  Prior to this, he could never finish most homework assignments; often stating they had been done or leaving them in school.  With boys, the social stuff and fits (conflict/unsettled) are very noticeable.  With girls, they don't fit in, may do well in school with great effort, and as they age they become more and more untidy rarely finishing tasks.


Also, see Dr. Amen's books and healing kit via self-hypnotism

ADHD(anger, blows. Disruptive) Detoxification Homeopathic

SKU: HH-ADD Severe H.P.drops 2oz.
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