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The GIA Cell Guard has been designed to neutralize the effects of your exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), as well as to strengthen the resilience of your body’s biofield to stress, at the same time. The Cell Guard is available in both “classic” and “sliver” varieties.


Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by cell phones, PDA’s, Bluetooth headsets, etc. has been linked to various stress-induced health issues. We subject ourselves to this overbearing external stressor every day. The GIA Cell Guard comes in both Classic and Sliver models, and allows you to use your cell phone, smart phone, Bluetooth or PDA with the peace of mind you deserve. Both models utilize the proprietary GIAplex technology (the one-of-a-kind combination of the patented, passive noise-field technology MRET, and the proprietary, bio-friendly Energy Resonance Technology ERT) to neutralize the effects of your exposure to harmful radiation, while supporting the body’s resilience to stress.


The technology powering the GIA Cell Guard (“MRET-Nylon”) was recently featured in a highly popular documentary called “The Truth About Cancer”. Please watch the below video clip from this documentary and find out why the MRET-activated GIA Cell Guard has become a global must-have product for people concerned about the effects of electromagnetic exposure from their Cell Phones


Classic- raised  for cell phones            Sliver- flat disk for computers , TVs, Notepads, microwaves.


HOW Gurards work



Cell Guards

SKU: GIA-39215
$43.95 Regular Price
$43.94Sale Price
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