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Chill out acts as a sedative and it's nourishment promotes the body's ability to handle nervous and depression disorders.


Contains: Thiamine (B1) 15mg, Niacin 25mg, Pyridoxine (B6) 25mg, Folic Acid 300 mcg., Vitamin B12 -250 mcg, Pantothenic Acid -25mg, Magnesium 50mg,zinc -7.5 mg., Manganese - 4mg, St John's Wart Extract 3% hypericum 200 mg. Kava Kava Extract -30% Kavalactones -35 mg, valerian 4:1 Extract 25 mg., Valerian 25mg, Gaba -125 mg., L-Taurine 125 mg., L-Tyrosine - 125 mg, a super combination.


Dose: 2 Capsules 3 times a day.

"CHILL OUT"90 tabs

SKU: HH-chill out 90 tabs
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