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A wonderful supplemen to aide thyroid health, and aide your body when it has experienced radiation toxicity. Iodine is known to help metabolize fats, and is important for physical and mental development. Iodine deficiency has been linked to breast cancer and I'd associated with fatigue, weight gain, and thick necks. This is a very safe product and the dose may be temporarily increased if needed to help to help the thyroid block toxic radiation. (Consult pharmacist for how much more is safe.)

This 1 oz. Vegetarian iodine bottle is 900 doses.

Made from organic Iodine from Alfalfa and sea dose. Iodine (Colloidal) 150 ug. -100% each drop approximately 30 ml in a glycerin base, Alfalfa extract, sea dose and vegetable oil.

Adult maintenance dose: 1 to 3 drops.

Should be added to a little fluid like distilled water.

Child dose: consult a pharmacist.

IODINE Liquid Organic. 1oz.

SKU: HH-IodineOrganic1oz.
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