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Take at 1st sign of cold or flu, to quick your recovery.

Liver Chi is beneficial to liver cell production as well as liver membrane function asreported through China and Japan in clinical research. In virtro lymph cells activate and increase antibody action; activating phagocytosis and increasing T-helper cells. Liver Chi has the effect of lowering liver enzyme SGPT levels back to normal in those with hepatis.

Liver problem marker: red or black spots at the back of the tongue, dry mouth, bitter taste.

Use to nourishment the body during trametic hard ships including: hepatitis - all types; hepatitis; alcoholism, chronic ulcers, tuberculosis, diabetes, serious anemia, and too much fat in liver.

Ingredients: Schisandra chinensis Baill., Pinellua ternata Breit., Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi., Bupleurum Chinese, Smilax galbra Roxb.

A very effective product.

Dose: 1 packet in a cup of distilled wate; once daily. C no MMB gg8 8,gggvv go 0ou p

Liver CHI (Dr.Chi) packets 30ct.

SKU: HH-LiverChiDr.30pkts
Only 3 left in stock
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