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Soldas a product which aides in the body's removal of arterial plaque.

This product must be taken for a few months - working your way up to six tablets daily.

If your cholesterol is high; this product will work best if you use Circulation Plus Powder, for one month first. Then a specific enzyme for 2 weeks.

A one-day-daily vitamin is NOT necessary when using this product.

Ingredients: SIX tablets contain: Vit. A - 500 IU., Vit C -2700 mg., Vit D - 480 IU , Vit. E -120 IU., Thiamine 120 mg., Riboflavin - 60 mg., Niacin - 60 mg., B6 - 100 mg., Forte - 800 mcg., B12 - 99 mcg., Biotin - 60 mcg., Pantothenic Acid - 60 mg. , Calcium Carbonate - 390 mg., Calcium Citrate 85 mg., Calcium Amino 37 mg., Iodine - 75 mcg. , Magnesium - 180 mg., Zinc- 30 mg., Selenium - 180 mcg., Copper - 15 mg., Manganese - 3 mg., Chromium - 120 mg., Potassium - 59 mg., PABA - 300 mg., Chlorine 60 mg., Inosital 60mg., L-Methionine - 240 mg., L-Cysteine 150 mg., MSM - 450 mg., Proprietary Blend of Ginkgo Biloba, Red Ginseng Extract, Green Tea Extract, GrapevSkin Extract -600mg., Couch Grass 30 mg., Juniper Berry 6 mg., Garlic - 60 mg., Schizandra Berry 60 mg., Buchu Leaf - 30 mg., Milk Thistle - 30 mg.

Oral Chelation Formula. 180 tabs

SKU: HH-OralChelationForm
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