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While Supplies Last!

The GIALife Jewel Pendant provides you with a body-worn, bioenergetic solution to help you deal with everyday debilitating stress, including electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Experience for yourself the pendant’s unique energy enhancement qualities, which have already improved thousands of lives across the world.



  • Length 1.47″ (37.22 mm)
  • Width 1.21″ (30.65 mm)
  • Thickness .46″ (11.58 mm)
  • Weight .70 oz (19.96 grams)

Product Overview

Today’s wireless world requires strengthened mental, emotional and physical resilience. Both independent tests and countless GIAlife users have reported that this life enhancing product provides this very resilience in an effective manner.

Stress acts as an age accelerator, as well as compromises our health, immune system, and our body’s natural resistance to negative influences. One of the major external stressors in our environment is Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). The GIAlife Pendant employs the proprietary ERT™ technology to provide you with a bioenergetic resource to deal with debilitating stress. When using the revolutionary GIAlife Pendant, you’ll experience for yourself its unique energy enhancement qualities.   The GIALife Jewel Pendant is also adorned with natural (non-manmade) semi-precious astrological gemstones as follows:


Gemstones used in GIALife Jewel Pendant






Product Benefits

When using the revolutionary GIAlife Jewel Pendant, you’ll experience for yourself its unique energy enhancement qualities.

  • Supports natural energy, plus mental & physical performance, especially under pressure
  • Optimizes your capacity to function in EMF/EMR-saturated environments
  • Discover what body-worn “Inspired Energy” feels like!

Gemstone benefits:

  • Red garnet: Enhances good health, determination, intelligence, and success.
  • Zircon: Promotes happiness, prosperity, longevity, comfort, and marital bliss.
  • Pearl: Increases memory, wealth, popularity, fortune, and good health.
  • Carnelian: Increases vitality, courage & wealth.
  • Hessonite: Promotes health, cheerfulness, prestige, and mental peace.
  • Amethyst: Brings wealth, fame, a long life, serenity, and detachment.
  • Tourmaline: Good for promoting psychic and spiritual perception.
  • Yellow Citrine: Enhances happiness, prosperity, well-being, and a philosophical attitude toward life.
  • Peridot: Good for creativity, communication skills, and success in business.

Pendants Personal Body Protection from Radiation & Radio waves

SKU: GIA-35049Jeweled
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