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This product aides in digestive absorption and digestion. Stomache situations as farxas digestion and bloating are often helped by the addition of digestive enzymes when you eat. Modern foods are void or depleted of enzymes.

This is a non-vegetarian formula.

Pancreatin 4X -200 mg. Supplying Amylase - 20,000 USP units, Protease 20,000 USP units, Lipase 3,4000 USP units, Papain 50 mg., Cellulase 10 mg.,Ox-Bile Extract - 100 mg., Pepsin Enzyme - 50 mg., Bromelain (400 GDU from pineapple), -50 mg., Papaya Enzymes -45 mg., Bromelain (10:1 (80 GDU). ). Betaine -200 mg.,.

Take 1 wuth the larger meals.

Super Enzyme Formula 90 tablets

SKU: HH-SuperEnzymeFormula 90 tabs
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