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Stress of Covid and maintain balance.

How do we survive the following plights in our lives, will be addressed at the closure of this article.

It appears we as humans face another extinction event with covid and others lingering in the future.

The truth is the powers that be have been tampering with the weather since the early 1950's creating draught, flooding, losses, and famine. Giving special interest groups insurance kickbacks and deductions. Hedging the stock markets, gold, oil, and commodities in a form of insider trading, Populations reduction via war for profit.

This same type or groups of the same types have also been busy tampering with vaccines since as far back as the 1940s when polio outbreaks were created, 50's, 60's STD's, 70's chicken pocks, measles, 80's aides, 90's West Nile & Lymes, 2000s with anthrax, Eboli, corvids, etc. This also includes the weather and economic impacts created and released on the populous.

These stresses are released on the poor and middle class every 10 to 20 years. Thus appearing to be an act of the creator but is it an act of a godhead in reality.

War between countries, tribes and the different races, and social classes is also be encouraged, by a designed scarcity, bad frequencies on TV, in foods, via radio, internet, and politics. War, gold, oil, stock market are all tied to citizen slavery and death.

There is nothing new under the sun. Just different labels and deliveries.

That being said how do we survive?

Stick together as people, neighborhoods, communities, towns, cities.

Stay informed through education and deep study.

Remember that media is used as a shell game to keep the public distracted from what is actually going on.

Television is as it sounds. Tell-e- vison. Tell your eye a vison. "We will get back to our regularly scheduled "program/programming" after a message from our sponsors. This is very evident in soap operas and televised sports. the only thing TV is good for is to see what the enemy is up to that enemy being Satan.

Music in 440 tuneage which is the current majority of instrument tuning. This causes fear, stress, disease, unrest, and tension in your body's energy fields and mind. It can be used to hypnotize masses, cause pack hunting in males equaling riots and widespread violence and property loss. Going to gatherings and being programmed to . . . .

Young people need to be trained by their parents in moral conduct and common sense and are the sciences, history, humanities in order to prevent the atrocities which befall an uneducated society. The uneducated become subjected to the educated or the lender.

Religions can be used to make the population unresponsive to world events.

Scriptures are a warning, both gods imparted their beliefs to man. One by the law and judgment and the other through the holy spirit and the consequences of a sin ruled life.

So use judgment in how you use what you read. The way of one is death, the way of the other is life. Life is freedom of sin and its control over you.

Physical growth and healing.

These require an appropriate stress level.

A full night's sleep to heal and rest. Work out in your dreams the day's events.

Plenty of good clean water, oxygen, the right form of fats, protein, minerals, and chlorophyll in plant form, variety in the diet, avoid processed foods, white sugars, flours, beans, high grain diet, finally fruits in the morning to remove the free radical from problems in the diet, injuries, and metabolic processes.

Frequency can be addressed via colors, sounds, In the case of music instruments, should be tuned to C at 528hrtz and A to 444hrtz. these produce healing, peace, and love.

Think, be well.

We carry many of the items for the mind, body, and spirit.


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